Monday, March 23, 2009

complete .

Posted in by Kaay | Edit
remember back when i wrote about the little
boyfriend issue,
that i was havinq .
well , i finally qave it up .
this whole weekend has really proved everythinq to me .
i 've never in my life had anyone treat me so bad .
he does it and he
to realize how much he hurts me and my feelinqs.
i didn ' t really talk to him this wholeee weekend.
but , i saw him twice- and we didnt speak .
so , sunday - i was stranded far far far away from my house .
around like 1 in the morninq .
i called , and called and called .
he iqnored every last one of my calls .
and i ' m thinkinq like -
is this someone that i really want ?
someone who iqnores me when i reallyneed him ?
someone who isn ' t there for me at all?
someone who isnt at all happy for me , but always wants me to be happy for him?
someone who doesnt like to listen to me but , always wants me tolisten to him ?
so , last niqht -
i called it quits!
i ' m completely & utterly DONE !
. . and i mean it this time .
i ' m so emotionally drained
that when - i said it , i didn ' t even cry .
i didn 't feel one sinqle ounce of sympathy
because i can ' t anymore .
i ' m quessinq my feelinq for him are dwindelinq away .
and i dont even care .
i can ' t continue to let someone who claims they are
" in love with me "
hurt my feelinqs and make me feel like shit .
i ' m tired of my emotions beinq fondeled like toys .
i ' m tired of hearinq about him talkinq to other qirls..
The End .


  1. Anonymous

    this is nate....
    yUP lifes to SHOrt To FEel Like SHIt..

    lOVez IT

    March 23, 2009 at 3:57 PM

  2. Marie says:


    I'm happy that you let the asshole go.
    Don't worry the next girl he's with will play him horribly and he won't know what to do with himself.

    My aunt always told me "you leave filth in the garbage. You don't wanna have dirt and shit all over your system right? So throw it out" ..

    March 23, 2009 at 4:57 PM

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